This is the "Pilgrims of Hope" Jubilee year. This year, ending on Epiphany 2026, is a time of special grace. It is a time to be open to receive all that our merciful Lord has for us this year and to pray with the church for God's favor upon us and on the whole world.
In the Old Testament there were four central features of Jubilee: slaves were set free, debts were forgiven, people returned home, and there was time for rest and recreation. These features can be a guide on how to enter into and experience Jubilee in our own lives.
Forgiveness of debt. Am I holding on to grudges and resentments toward those who have hurt me? Ask the Lord, "Whom do I still need to forgive?" Maybe a parent? A brother or sister? Or even an organization of some kind by whom I may have been unfairly treated. Ask for an extra measure of grace to forgive, to let go, to be healed. Forgive and rejoice.