
Encountering a Friend

The other day my husband and I had lunch with another couple who are our good friends. We met several years ago. We keep in touch mostly through emails. Every once in a while I see or hear something that reminds me of them. I am very grateful for our friendship. 

When we and our friends get together in person, however, it's a whole different experience. We have the joy of seeing one another. We share what is happening in our lives and with our families. We may make plans about getting together again. We come to know one another in a deeper way. Our friendship grows. 

I was reminded of this when I read a quote from Pope Francis: "I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus."

Christians are those who have met Jesus. We know Him. We are his followers, His friends. We may think of Him often and even do good works that are pleasing to Him, but that is different from a personal encounter. Just like I think about my friends and occasionally connect with them at a distance, this is not the same as sitting down with them at the same table, in their presence, and enjoying one another's company face-to-face.

To encounter Jesus, I need to go where I can find Him, whether it is in a church, out in the beauty of nature, or in a quiet corner of my room. I put other activities and distractions aside to meet Him one-on-One. 

Here I am, Lord. Thank you for being present here and now. Here's what's been happening in my life... What is it You would like me to know? What can we do together? Where else would You like us to meet? ...  

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in First Grade

I remember a lot about first grade. How some kids cried on the first day, not wanting to be separated from their parents. The little cartons of milk we drank each morning. The pink and green paper letters of the alphabet that we put together to make words. And I remember a blue catechism book with stories and questions with answers to memorize.

    "Why did God make you?"
    "God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him,
    and to be happy with Him forever in heaven."

That response which I learned in first grade pretty much sums up the whole purpose of life. So very many years later I continue to strive to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him. Happiness with Him begins here and now.

In Him I live, and move, and have my being. Acts 17:28.