
Hearing God's Word

I was "flipping through the channels" looking for something to watch on TV. I stopped at CatholicTV. A priest and a layman were talking about the grace of God being active in our lives.

During the presentation, the layman said that he likes hearing the readings at Sunday Mass as if for the first time. He listens for a phrase or a sentence or two, or even just a word - that makes an impression on him. This is how the Lord is communicating with him. He recalls the word of God during prayer time and during the week. This is a way to experience the Liturgy of the Word and to live it out each day. A very simple thing to do.

So Sunday I listened for a word of God in the readings that touched my heart. I thought about what it meant for me personally. I thought about how I would respond to that word in my daily life. I wrote it down - just a few phrases of Scripture, and I will be referring to it each day until next Sunday (and maybe even longer).

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Thank you, Jesus, that you are the Living Word from the Father who has come to be with us in our every situation, in our every circumstance. Keep us faithful to you, that we may hear you and respond to you, and to the people you bring into our lives, with love.
All praise and honor and glory to you forever.

Let It Rain

I recall someone saying to me a few years ago, "When it rains, that's when God is pouring out his blessings. When it rains, look for blessings." That is a positive and comforting thought, especially when an outdoor event is planned and on that day comes the rain. When storm clouds are drenching the ground with rain, God is drenching us with his blessings. 

I thought about that again when I heard this song on my car radio, "Bring the Rain."


It can be easy to praise God when all is going well. But on days we feel pain or doubts or distress, when we wonder "Where is God?" in all that we are going through, it can be difficult to find reason to give thanks or to praise God.

Our faith tells us that God is with us always. He never abandons us. He is in the midst of what we are going through. Our circumstances change, but God does not change. And we praise him for who he is in our good times and in not so good times.

In heaven we will be rejoicing and praising him forever. There will be no pain, no doubts, no distress. While we are here on earth is the only time we can praise him during often difficult times. Our faithfulness is precious to him. 

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Great Expectations

When I was reading my Magnificat prayer book, one line from the writings of Pope Benedict XVI stood out for me. It was about person feeling hopeless who said, "No one is expecting me."

"No one is expecting me."

I wondered, who are the people in my life who expect to see me, to meet me, to be with me? How does that make me feel? Honored? Respected and valued? Loved? (If I am honest, sometimes I may be a little nervous that I will not measure up to their expectations!)

Whom do I expect to meet during the course of my day? Do I look forward to encounters with others?

I do really look forward to seeing my family and grandchildren. I want them to know how much I love them.

What about the "strangers" I happen to pass by? Do I leave the house with anticipation of whom I may providentially meet? Maybe someone at a restaurant? Or the gym? Maybe in line at the post office? Or at the grocery store, etc., etc.

How can I show those who are strangers to me that they are deserving of honor and respect? That they are welcomed? Truly each person is valued and loved by God. How do I extend the love of God to others?

Unwrapping the Gift

When I was about 10 years old, I gave my Mom a gift. I wanted to see her joy at unwrapping the gift, almost as much as her joy in seeing the gift itself. So I put the gift in a box, wrapped it, and then I put it into another box, and into another bigger box, and another. It would take her awhile to unwrap it.

That memory came to me this morning as I was thinking about the gift of life from God our Father. Each day a little more of the gift is "unwrapped." We discover the experiences, situations, relationships, and adventures that life contains. Sometimes the unwrapping can be a struggle.

I cannot help but believe that there is so much more to discover about the gift of life, like continually unwrapping to see what it holds for us. 

For the gift of life, for all the gifts He gives, let us give thanks. For the gift of Jesus, let us give thanks.

"Oh, my aching back!"

I've had an aching back. It's slowing me up and I feel discouraged by this. I do know that God speaks to me in every circumstance. What is he saying to me in this situation?

I know that what I am suffering is so very little, hardly significant, as to what many others are suffering physically and emotionally. Experiencing even a little suffering can let me become truly more compassionate, especially with those around me who are in any kind of pain. I know by experience, even in a small way, what others are going through.

I am keenly aware of my own pain with most every move. And so I move slowly. I move carefully. I appreciate more than ever freedom of movement.

Free image by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

My faith tells me that I am part of the Body of Christ, in communion with other Christians. I am connected to others. "If one part of the body suffers, all the parts suffer with it..." I Corinthians 12:26.

Am I ever a source of pain to others? By my thoughtlessness? By judging others? By greed? By selfishness? By harsh words? By neglect? How do I inflict needless pain? Do I offend others?

And so I am aware - I need to become more aware - of how I relate to others. I need to become more aware so as not to cause pain. May my thoughts, words, and actions offer respect and healing love.

Out of compassion, what can I do today to relieve the suffering of others? What can I do to offer healing love?

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

When Bishop Fulton J. Sheen would present one of his famous chalk talks, he would quickly write "JMJ" at the top fo the blackboard.

When I was in Catholic grade school, we would write "JMJ" at the top of our papers. I think it was a reminder for us to do our best work.

Recently when I watched a Poco a Poco Podcast, one of the friars spoke of hospitality in the Nazareth home of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

When one offers hospitality, she or he helps others feel at home. The guests are received and welcomed just as they are. They can relax and enjoy good conversation, perhaps a meal, and come to know each other in a more familiar way. The friar suggested that, in prayer, we could ask Jesus, Mary, and Joseph to invite us into their home, into their communion with one another, which is a share in the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

If I were invited into the home in Nazareth, what would I see? What would I hear?
How would I be received?
What would my experience of being with the Holy Family be like? How would it affect me?
What would I want to share with them?

I believe Jesus, Mary, and Joseph had profound love for one another, and profound love and hospitality for anyone who came into their presence. 

As a follower of Jesus, I too am asked to offer hospitality to others. I can "create a space" for others to be truly themselves, to feel that I am listening to their concerns and observations, that I really care. I can take the time to be present to others whom I encounter (even when I am inconvenienced!), that they feel valued and appreciated. I can allow the love of Jesus to touch our hearts. 

Matthew 18: 20 -  "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them." 

Reaping What We Sow

It's almost time to plant the garlic. I love growing garlic. In autumn, put a single clove about four inches into the ground and in late summer reap a whole bulb of garlic.

All I need is a small area of soil. Once planted, the clove grows by itself with no help from me.

Obviously, when I plant a clove of garlic, I won't reap potatoes or onions... I'll reap several cloves of garlic contained in one bulb.

Yesterday I received a prayer ministry manual from friends. At the very begining of the study it speaks of "reaping what we sow." When we sow goodness, "we set in motion forces" that cause goodness to grow and expand. If we sow evil thoughts or deeds, however, the result is evil. That is how God's laws work.

So today I am trying to be more aware of good thoughts I have about others, and of even very small things I do to "plant goodness" wherever I go.

I also know that there is no evil that is insignificant. Like the small clove of garlic that is planted in the soil and is hidden where no one sees it, it is growing. It is growing like the clove that naturally multiplies into several cloves. Even the smallest unkindness towards others has consequences.

Lord God,
Thank you for all of creation,
even for the smallest of garlic cloves
that multiply for harvest.
By your Holy Spirit
please inspire me to think good thoughts today.
Inspire me to do good works -
even a simple smile, kindness, respect, a prayer.
Please multiply all the goodness that I sow,
that your Kingdom come, your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven, for your glory.

Put Down the Bucket

We have had a lot of rain, so much that our state has had major flooding. The ground is super-saturated. It was during this time that I was driving and I actually saw a woman with a hose who appeared to be watering her garden! I could hardly believe what I was seeing.

This reminds me of a teaching I heard about prayer - "put down the bucket."

The teaching was that growing in our relationship with God is like watering the garden. At first "the garden" may seem far away and it takes a lot of effort to tend to it. It's like we have to fill our bucket with water and and carry it all the way to water the garden. This means finding the time for prayer and being disciplined to being faithful to that time. We may use prayer books to read our prayers. We use inspirational books to guide our prayer. It means avoiding distractions to keep focused on the Lord. Prayer seems like work. But then...

we discover a stream of God's grace close to the garden. We dip our bucket into the stream and we do not have to carry the bucket quite so far. God seems so much closer to us. And then...

it begins to rain! We are in the garden and the rains come. It may be gentle, or it may be a downpour. We begin to experience the mercies, the favor, the blessings, the healing, the grace of being in God's divine presence. We experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We are refreshed. Let the rains come. It's time to put down the bucket and just be in God's presence soaking up all His love. However...

the drought may come again. It seems that the rain has stopped, the stream has dried up, and it takes a lot of effort to faithfully pick up that bucket to keep the garden watered. That's okay. It's the work of prayer. And the result is a healthy garden, a fruitful relationship with our Lord. His grace makes it possible.

free photo from Unsplash

O Lord, you are the faithful one. You are continually calling us to a closer relationship with you. Please keep us faithful in prayer, that we may grow in our relationship. Thank you for all of your mercies, favors, and blessings. Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen.

Kingdom, Come!

Yesterday I had another follow-up exam by the doctor. I was feeling nervous - nervous about the procedure and a little nervous about the results. When thoughts of cancer recurrence crossed my mind, I dismissed them and thanked God for healing.

I asked the Lord to be with me during that appointment.

Praise God, I did receive a good report. The doctor said that there are not even any signs of the radiation treatments that I had which had showed up on previous exams.

What a relief! And again a feeling of being set free.

On the drive home I was listening to the radio. Matt Maher's song was on, and - alone in the car - I began singing along with a very grateful heart.


May His Kingdom come into our hearts, into our lives, and into our world. 

"For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours forever!" 

The Spilled Drink

My husband called up to me from the kitchen. "There's an accident here!"

"Oh, no, did the dog have an accident?"

"No, I spilled a drink."

So I went downstairs to see a large container of mango juice from the refrigerator splashed across the kitchen floor. "Oh, no!"

I was clearly not happy. I grabbed one, two, three towels to wipe up the juice. Then I got the Swiffer mop and went over the area one, two, three times. I was feeling a little upset with my husband for being so clumsy, but I know I need to forgive.

Good news is that the floor in the kitchen is freshly mopped. (It needed it.)

I went upstairs to make the bed. I then accidentally knocked over a floral arrangement in a glass vase that had a lot of very tiny glass pebbles in it. Oh, no! Clumsy me! Accidents happen. I had to smile. "Good one, God." 

All is forgiven. Life is good. Praise God in all circumstances.

In the Kitchen

I was reading about how our mission as Christians is to expand the Kingdom of God. So I asked the Lord, "How are you asking me to expand your Kingdom?"

"Begin in the kitchen." 

The kitchen! Really? (I was hoping to hear of a more lofty mission.) 

"The kitchen. Write it down." 

I do spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I am aware that I sometimes complain - if not out loud, but to myself - of the loads of dishes and pots and pans that need washing. And of how bored I can be doing those routine meal preparations, like peeling potatoes and carrots, and how I'd rather be doing something else. And, honestly, I don't really like unloading the groceries from the car and putting them away (especially after a Costco trip!). 

I began thinking about the kitchen being the heart of the home where we gather, share conversations, are nourished. Is our kitchen as clean and welcoming as it deserves to be? 

The kitchen is definitely a place where the Lord can work on changing my attitude in doing chores. And it's a place where I have daily opportunities to be creative with meals and to show my family and friends how much they are valued and loved. 

When I am alone in the kitchen and loading the dishwasher, I do praise and thank the Lord. Moments of drudgery can truly become moments of joy. 

I am reminded that St. Therese of Lisieux once said, “to pick up a pin for love of God can save souls.” I can certainly set the table and load the dishes for the love of God. 

May His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Unless You Become Like LIttle Children...

My daughter said to pick him up at 3 PM. That's when the school bus comes. I was at the bus stop before 3 PM, just in case the bus would arrive early.

3 o'clock came and no bus. I waited and waited and watched. I anticipated the bus coming at any time.

Finally! I saw the bus coming down the street. I was so eager to see my grandson whom I hadn't seen in quite some time. Then he got off the bus, he saw me, and he came running to me with arms wide open. 

I braced myself. He was running and I didn't want to get knocked over! And he gave me a most precious hug. Joy! 

"Hi! How are you? How was school today?" ...

Today I'm thinking about how God our Father is waiting for us. He is waiting for us to come to him with confidence and trust and with open arms and open hearts. He is waiting for our love, like a precious hug.

He longs to speak personally with each of us. We need to come running towards him to hear his words to us.

"How are you? How is your day?" He wants to hear from us. He wants us to know how very much he loves us and that he cares for each detail of our lives. And his love is everlasting.

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness
Jeremiah 31:3

Photo by Maximilian Simson on Unsplash

"Stop interrupting me!"

So often I am in the middle of doing something, and someone comes along and interrupts me. When I begin watching a favorite program, the phone rings... Just as I sit down to eat, the dog decides she needs to go out... I'm in the middle of a really good book and my husband needs help with something - now... I'm praying and someone walks in on me...etc., etc. It sometimes seems like my life is full of interruptions. Too often my response is to feel aggravated or resentful.

I became aware of this while reading Jacques Philippe's book Interior Freedom and how he describes St. Therese of Lisieux's perspective on being interrupted. She had very little "free time" in the convent, and just when she did find the time to write or to paint, someone would come in and ask for her help. She decided to choose interruptions in her life, to welcome them. Therefore she would not become aggravated or resentful. She remained in peace. When, however, no one would interrupt her, she accepted this as a "charming present" from the Lord.

Yesterday I decided that I, too, would welcome interruptions. And yesterday I was really challenged; it seemed like I was interrupted more than usual. I still felt somewhat resentful of the demands made on "my time," but I was reminded that "my time" is to serve others and not myself.

Lord Jesus, Thank you for the gift of time and for the opportunity to work on projects and to serve others. Please keep reminding me of the Scripture "the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve," (cf. Mark 10:45), and that if I am to follow you, I am also here to serve others, and not myself. To you be all the glory now and forever. Amen.

St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us.

My Journey

Recently I had a complete set of scans. Results indicated no evidence of cancer. Wow. 

Having been diagnosed with 2 different kinds of cancer, and being successfully treated for both, I feel amazed and grateful. It's like I've been given a new opportunity to live a healthy life to its fullest. 

It's been a journey of faith in our Almighty God. 

Today I looked back at what I had posted on August 3, 2019, and I see this as true today as the day I had written it. Read about it here:


Thanks be to God.

Unstuck From the Muck

I'm eager to get my garden in. The other day I planted peas, beets, and onions. It was muddy from the recent rain.

As I tried to move away from the garden, I felt stuck. My garden shoe had sunk into the mud. Water was puddling around my feet. It was with real effort that I pulled my foot out of the mud. The shoe was filthy. I'd have to clean my shoes before going into the house.

This morning I read Colosians 1:13: He rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son. I envisioned God pulling me up out of the muck of sin in which I was stuck. I am set free. With his Holy Spirit he cleanses me so that I am fit to dwell in his house. I no longer live in darkness, but I dwell in the kingdom of God. I live in the kingdom of God!

It's not that he
will rescue me, but that he has already rescued me. I don't want to go back to the muck.

 Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

"Just in Time"

Sometimes I include a favorite hymn or a specifically Christian song in my posts. Not today. Today it's Tony Bennett.

During moring prayer, I was thinking about how Jesus is always with us - in the good times and in the not-so-good times. He is even with us in our daily chores.

Later in the day I got into the car to do some grocery shopping. I thought about Jesus being with me, even during routine shopping trips. As I started the car, a CD began playing. It was one that our daughter had given us of Tony Bennett. The song he was singing was "Just in Time." I couldn't help but relate some of the lyrics to a relationship with Jesus.

"You found me just in time... No more doubts and fears, I've found my way."

I found a youtube version of this song that was posted to share:

"Word Blitz"

I have a passion for "Word Blitz." I play this game on my phone. I really enjoy finding as many words as quickly as I can in the grid of letters in front of me. As an English major in college, I've always liked words and their nuanced meanings.

I began to think of Jesus as The Word - the Living Word. I find Jesus before me. When I take the time to look carefully, to focus on life's events, I begin to see Him. I see Redeemer. I see Savior. Son of the Father. Brother. Friend. Mercy. Life. Truth. The Way. Son of Mary. Son of the Father. Divine Presence...

Thank you, Jesus, for being with us always, and for revealing to us the overwhelming Love of the Father for each of us. You have promised to never leave us. May we see You with us in all of life's events. May we know the comfort and the challenge of your Divine Presence. Praise to You, to our Father, and to the Holy Spirit of Love.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1.

Is it me? or is it God?

Our God speaks to us in many ways. One way is through our thoughts, the little inspirations we receive.

Before leaving church the other evening, I paused and asked the Lord whether He had a word for anyone that he would want me to share, maybe a word of encouragement. Immediately the name of a distant friend came to mind. I knew her when we were kids growing up, and now we keep in contact through facebook.

My first reaction: this is just me, this is my imagination. Why would she come to mind? And I kind of dismissed the thought.

When I came home I opened facebook. Lo and behold, there is a post from her. She just recently had surgery and she was in pain.

Oh my, now I know why she came to mind. The Lord was giving me an impression that I ought to pray for her.

Never again will I dismiss those little inspirations, especially to pray or to share with those people the Lord puts in my mind and into my heart.

Yes, there are many ways the Lord communicates with us. We need to learn how to hear from God. 

 Free photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

And may our Lord Jesus grant my friend a complete, speedy and an amazing healing. Thank you, Jesus.

A Lenten Work-out

When I begin exercising, or before beginning a run, I spend five minutes warming up. I walk at a comfortable pace to "limber up" and to gradually increase my heart rate so I am ready for a work-out.

During this time I am thinking:

    Am I ready for this?
    Am I dreading the exertion, or am I eager?
    Am I dressed appropriately for the weather?
    Am I feeling any aches or pains?

Then I pick up the pace and I'm off.

We're now completing this first week of the Lenten season. For me, the past few days have been like a warm-up. I've been thinking:

    Am I ready for this? Do I have a plan?
    Am I dreading any sacrifices, or even complaining about 
    them? Or I am grateful and eager?
    Have I put on the garments of faith, truth, readiness, and 
    righteousness? Do I take up the word of God and pray for
    all kinds of requests? (cf. Ephesians 6: 10-19)
    Am I experiencing spiritual aches and pains of sin that need

Now is the time to pick up the pace. 

I focus on the present moments of my Lenten work-out that are taking me, step by step, to the culmination of Easter when we celebrate the new risen life of Jesus that we share. Hopefully, through this Lenten journey I, together with my brothers and sisters in faith, are becoming spiritually fit and strong.

Lord Jesus, may we always follow you more and more closely.
Thank you for being The Way to our Father and to eternal life.
                                    Jesus, I trust in you.

Winter Walking

Our daughter sent me a link to a New Year walking challenge: 1 mile per day through February 14. She encouraged me to register. I'd need to record daily distances walked, and at the end of the challenge I'd receive a really nice t-shirt. When I went to sign up, however, the message read that registration was closed! 

So I decided to do my own challenge. I would walk a minimum of 1 mile each day, beginning January 1 through February 14. Then I went online to order a new pink t-shirt to wear at the end of the challenge.

It is now mid January and I've walked, and sometimes ran, each day. It's taking a deliberate decision to find the best time of day to do this. (Fortunately the weather has been mild.)

I've walked in light rain, in snow, and in slush. It's been a good time to pray. It's fun greeting people who are also out walking. Sometimes I take photos. 

If I were not out walking, I'd be missing out on a lot of seasonal beauty.

And so I resolve, as long as I am able, to do at least 1 mile per day each day during every season. I know it's possible.

Frost and snow, bless the Lord,
praise and exalt him above all forever. 
                            Daniel 3:69.