
Here I Begin

Snow covered road with tall branching trees and snowbanks along the way.

A new year, and I am inspired to begin a new blog. I've decided not just to think about it, but to do it. My 2022 resolution.

On Twitter yesterday I read someone's question: Is there any life beyond death? I was astonished (I really shouldn't have been) that the overwhelming responses were that our earthly time is all we have - nothing more. Or, if there is more, we return to "energy." Other people posted something like, we live on in the works we have accomplished. Very few mentioned the fact of life eternal.

How could I respond to that question? Simply that if anyone wants to know if there is an eternal life beyond death, the place to begin is knowing Jesus. If anyone would doubt that, just give Him a chance. Start exactly where you are -  in any circumstances of doubt or unbelief. Jesus says He is the Way, and the journey begins with the first step. And for those who know Jesus, there is always more to learn.

"Now this is eternal life, that they should know you the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." John 17:3.

"He who believes in me will live, even though he dies..." John 11:26.


  1. Hi, Shirley!
    I thought the question, "Is there any life after death?" was very thought provoking. Unfortunately it seems to be a question more and more people are finding hard to express a belief in God.

    I liked how you mentioned that Jesus is the way. In a rosary meditation for children, it reinforces what you just mentioned.
    "Jesus had come to show people the way to God--He is the Way! He came to tell them the truth about God--he is the Truth! He came to give them the Life of God--and Jesus is Himself the life we need."

    Keep your blog going. Your message is worth sharing.


  2. Grace, Thank you for your comments and your encouragement! I look forward to hearing from you again.

  3. Wow, Shirley! I guess if you had any questions about where God is leading you next and if this blog was what He wanted, then the answer is YES! what a powerful topic to begin with!
    It does seem in this day and age, the number of people with faith in God's promise of eternal life is dwindling. Years ago, I encountered a woman who was so sad and discouraged. She had lost all hope and was "searching" for meaning in her life. She had tried aroma therapy, astrology, yoga, and some other new age things that I don't know how to spell! At the time, she was turning to nature, stars, and the moon in hopes to feel some reason for her being.
    I spoke with her over several days, as we were both doing pool therapy at the time, and told her of my faith. She listened but rejected what I said as superstition. I finally made some progress when I pointed out that she was worshiping creation instead of the creator. The last time I saw her, I suggested she spend some time pondering who made us and all the we have, and then direct her thoughts and questions to the One she finds.
    I never saw her again, but when I remember her, I ask God to make Himself known.

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  5. What a beautiful topic to start with, Shirley! If you were wondering if this new endeavor is God's will, then my vote is Yes!
    Belief in eternal life is definitely waning. When I was doing rehab for my knee a few years ago, I met a woman in the lane next to me in the pool. As we were walking, she shared that she felt there was no meaning in her life, and she felt sad and discouraged. She had tried therapists, aroma therapy, yoga, and some things I'd never heard of and don't know how to spell! Nothing seemed to lift her depression.
    I shared my faith of course, but she said that she had grown up in a Christian home and that was all fairy tales. At the time she was worshiping nature, the moon, and the stars. I suggested that she was seeking support from creation and that she might give some thought to who the creator of all that she worshiped is. Perhaps, turning to the creator for answers would be more helpful? She looked at me astonished but had no answer. I believe I made her think and whenever I remember her, I ask God to make Himself known to her.
    Seeds, as you said in one of your other blogs, sometimes our job is just to plant the seeds so others may tend, water, and reap!

  6. We never know when we might get an unexpected opportunity to share faith in God. One time it happened to me on the bike path - I was so excited about the good news of "no evidence of cancer," that I found myself sharing this with complete strangers that I was passing along the way. I shared my news with "Praise God!" and it turned out the husband of the couple was also undergoing cancer treatments. Hopefully my good news was an encouragement to him. You have reminded me to continue to pray for him as he comes to mind.
