
Unwrapping the Gift

When I was about 10 years old, I gave my Mom a gift. I wanted to see her joy at unwrapping the gift, almost as much as her joy in seeing the gift itself. So I put the gift in a box, wrapped it, and then I put it into another box, and into another bigger box, and another. It would take her awhile to unwrap it.

That memory came to me this morning as I was thinking about the gift of life from God our Father. Each day a little more of the gift is "unwrapped." We discover the experiences, situations, relationships, and adventures that life contains. Sometimes the unwrapping can be a struggle.

I cannot help but believe that there is so much more to discover about the gift of life, like continually unwrapping to see what it holds for us. 

For the gift of life, for all the gifts He gives, let us give thanks. For the gift of Jesus, let us give thanks.

"Oh, my aching back!"

I've had an aching back. It's slowing me up and I feel discouraged by this. I do know that God speaks to me in every circumstance. What is he saying to me in this situation?

I know that what I am suffering is so very little, hardly significant, as to what many others are suffering physically and emotionally. Experiencing even a little suffering can let me become truly more compassionate, especially with those around me who are in any kind of pain. I know by experience, even in a small way, what others are going through.

I am keenly aware of my own pain with most every move. And so I move slowly. I move carefully. I appreciate more than ever freedom of movement.

Free image by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

My faith tells me that I am part of the Body of Christ, in communion with other Christians. I am connected to others. "If one part of the body suffers, all the parts suffer with it..." I Corinthians 12:26.

Am I ever a source of pain to others? By my thoughtlessness? By judging others? By greed? By selfishness? By harsh words? By neglect? How do I inflict needless pain? Do I offend others?

And so I am aware - I need to become more aware - of how I relate to others. I need to become more aware so as not to cause pain. May my thoughts, words, and actions offer respect and healing love.

Out of compassion, what can I do today to relieve the suffering of others? What can I do to offer healing love?