
Are There Rocks in the Garden?

Again this morning I asked the Lord, "What do you want me to discover today?" And I immediately pictured a rock. The words came to my mind, "My love is hidden under the rocks of your life."

Rocks are hard and of different sizes. I can stumble over them, complain about them, or remove them. The smaller rocks I can remove on my own; with the big rocks, I may need help.

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If a farmer owns a large rocky field, he could plant crops between the rocks, but crops would not thrive. Those rocks have got to go!

The rocks in my life are anything that hides God's ever present love. His love is hidden by hurtful actions and harmful attitudes. I am stumbling over them all the time. When I am ill and am tempted to doubt God's love..., when someone needs to talk and I am reluctant to give up my time..., when I feel blamed and respond with angry words..., when I am faced with challenging tasks and I let discouragement take hold..., etc., etc.  All these rocky occasions prevent me from seeing God's love.

The Scripture reading that was especially meaningful to me this morning was, "her deserts He shall make like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord." Isaiah 51:3. What a hope-filled verse!

And so I imagine my life becoming a beautiful garden filled with prayer and good works and the amazing love of God. Just as the farmer has to remove those rocks to have a productive field, I need to remove whatever is hiding God's love. May the wastelands of my life become "like the garden of the Lord."

All glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

What Do You Want Me to Discover Today?

There's a priest I know of who each morning asks the Lord, "What do you want me to discover today?" The ideas that come to him guide him throughout that day.

I've picked up on this, and now I also frequently ask the Lord, "What is it You want me to discover today?"

This morning what came to mind was the account of Jesus' final moments when He was dying on the cross. His mother Mary and his disciple John were standing close by, together with Him. Jesus said to John, "Behold your mother," and "from that time the disciple took her into his home." John 19:27.

John was a disciple of Jesus from the earliest days of His ministry. And John lived a very long life, according to Biblical scholars. How very much he accomplished during his lifetime as a Christian. It was at the time of Jesus' death, however, when the first thing he did was especially profound. He provided for the mother of Jesus so she would not need to be alone. He loved her as his own mother. He offered her caring, loving hospitality. How much this must have meant to Jesus.

As I thought about this, I think what the Father would have me discover today is the immeasurable value of truly loving those who are closest to me, to do whatever I can to show loving care. It means doing those routine chores for the family, like preparing meals and doing laundry, etc., not just as chores to get done, but as ways to honor those in my life. It's a way God provides for His love flowing in me and through me to grace the lives of others. There is immense value, even in my routine houseold responsibilities. To God be the glory.

The Water Jesus Gives

Jesus says, "Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water, welling up to eternal life." cf. John 4: 13 - 14.

The footnote in my Bible says that "welling up" is an expression with a vigorous meaning like "leaping up." Jesus was speaking about a vigorous abundant life.

When we call on the name "Jesus," we enter into his presence. What a beautiful name it is!

Jesus, Our parched lives are in need of your living water. Please be a fountain of life welling up within us and may your precious life and love overflow into the parched lives of people around us. Come, Lord Jesus, come. 

Speak, Lord

People who read the Bible regularly, or perhaps even occasionally, have favorite verses - words that have a special personal meaning. I have one very special verse. That one verse confirmed for me a life-changing decision.

Well, actually, there are two verses. The first one is Luke 11:12: "If you... know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" Thinking about that verse I was able to open my heart to receive God's love for me - his Holy Spirit - in a profound way.

The second verse is Psalm 37:4: "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." I still remember where I was, the room and the chair where I was sitting, when I stopped to consider those words. What were the desires of my heart?

Even though life seemed to be going well, the desire of my heart was not to be living where I was. This confirmed for me a decision that changed the direction of my life. I decided to move back to my hometown. I changed my job which led to a new career. And this decision eventually led to an amazing marriage.

Today when I pick up the Bible, I like to read the passages slowly. There are times when certain words "jump out at me" and I pause. I wonder, what is it the Lord is speaking to me through these words? And this leads to prayer.

What are you saying to me, Lord?
How can I respond to what you are saying?
What are you asking of me?
How and when do you want me to do this?
What do these words tell me about who you are?
About who I am with you?

And then I often take notes about the ideas that come to me.

I've been keeping a small notebook with short Scripture verses that I see as helpful to me in my daily life. Sometimes I will read them aloud and let the Holy Spirit inspire me through the written word. 

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God loves to reveal himself to us, and through the Bible is one powerful way we can come to know him.

Our Lord of the Dance

Not long ago, I was thinking about how much the Lord loves a party. There are quite a few Scripture readings about feasting and banquets. Even the first miracle of Jesus was at a wedding feast. 

There is feasting at weddings, and there are even occasions where people come together to feast after a funeral to celebrate life and good memories.

Where there is dancing there is celebration. I thought of the song "Lord of the Dance." I found a video on youtube.

During our life the steps and rhythm may change, but the dance goes on.

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of life. Thank you for joy and thank you for all the moments of our lives that we share. Through it all, you are Lord of our dance. May we always follow your lead and may we continue the dance with you and one another forever in our Father's Kingdom. 

Opening the Door

About a week ago when I was praying, an image came to mind of a heavy wooden closed door. I wondered what that could mean.

Today I read, "Faith is important to God because it is our surrender and this opens the door for Him to work." Dr. Mary Healy.

Wow. I began to think about surrendering and about opening closed doors. 

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To surrender means to give up completely to another. A faith surrender is giving up to God. Wherever I may find myself, in whatever circumstances, His love has me surrounded.

What is it I am trying to battle on my own? Is it a relationship that is not working? Is it illness? An addiction? Guilt? Procrastination? Loneliness? Is it __________? What are the real struggles in my life? Have I been shutting God out of my difficulties? 

"I am the Lord, your God, who grasp your right hand. It is I who say to you, 'Fear not, I will help you." Isaiah 41:13.

"When you call me, when you pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, your will find me with you, says the Lord, and I will change your lot..." Jeremiah 29: 12-14.

Lord, You know what it is that I struggle with behind closed doors. I've struggled a long time. I've been trying to make things better on my own.
You are a helper in times of need, and all you ask is that I open the door to let you in, to let you take over so that your Holy Spirit can work according to your amazing plans for my welfare. 
I surrender myself and all of my concerns to You.

Jesus, I trust in You.