
Our Lord of the Dance

Not long ago, I was thinking about how much the Lord loves a party. There are quite a few Scripture readings about feasting and banquets. Even the first miracle of Jesus was at a wedding feast. 

There is feasting at weddings, and there are even occasions where people come together to feast after a funeral to celebrate life and good memories.

Where there is dancing there is celebration. I thought of the song "Lord of the Dance." I found a video on youtube.

During our life the steps and rhythm may change, but the dance goes on.

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of life. Thank you for joy and thank you for all the moments of our lives that we share. Through it all, you are Lord of our dance. May we always follow your lead and may we continue the dance with you and one another forever in our Father's Kingdom. 

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of an image the Our Lord provided to me a few weeks ago! I had been reflecting on my life over the years - how things have changed. This led to reflections on what may be next in my life. So much is different from just two years ago. The pandemic, my health issues, plus my husband’s retirement has opened the door for these changes.
    I thanked God for His goodness and great wisdom as this new chapter is unfolding, so easily and naturally. Still, change, even when it is for the better, always brings some unease as we venture into the unknown, so I asked Our Lord for some reassurance. He showed me my life as a dance! Much of my life has been a square dance, full of joy and fast moving. I listened to the caller, kept up with the steps and turns, and danced with many people, always returning to my family at the end of the set. There were slower dances, too, with a mournful tune, but the music always came from the same DJ and I kept dancing with those around me.
    It has come into my heart, that God wants me to just keep dancing with the people He brings onto my dance floor. Some people I have danced with for a long time – all my life even - though that number grows smaller (my family). Some I have danced with for shorter periods (co-workers, friends) – some for only minutes or seconds (strangers in the community). Others I dance with for awhile and then years pass before we dance again (dear friends).
    When I was younger, my life was definitely a square dance! I spun and turned, changed partners, and worked my way back home! It was fun, exciting, and exhausting! Yes, there were missteps and the square fell apart briefly, but as long as I listened to the “caller” I knew what to do and everything came together again. Now, the music is much slower, (Thank You, Lord!) more like a waltz. I still listen to the music that God plays for me and do my best to keep my steps in time with it.
    The message I heard in answer to my question, “What do You want me to do now, Lord?” was, “Just dance with the people I give you.” Lord, let me always hear Your music and stay on the beat. Amen.
