
Steady or Shaky? How's Your Balance?

A sense of balance is a much needed ability. When I lose my balance, it's easy to fall over. Falling puts me at risk for injury, like bruises, broken bones, or even a concussion.

One of the after effects of chemotherapy that is still with me is some loss of balance. One night I got out of bed in the dark and I fell over, hitting my side against the sharp edge of a table. Oh, the pain! I had thought I was moving straight ahead, but helplessly I began falling sideways. It took at least a month for the soreness to leave me. 

Balance is something I no longer take for granted.

So I am doing balance exercises . I am practicing walking heel-to-toe. I bought a spongy floor mat to stand on, one foot at a time, for as long as I can without grabbing that chair next to me for support. My balance is improving.

To keep my balance, it helps to focus on something directly in front of me. When I turn my head to the left or to the right, it's easy to lose it. If I try walking in the dark, it is also much easier to lose balance. 

I realized that there's a spiritual lesson here about following the Lord. When I keep my focus on Him, my steps are steady. Once I start looking at distractions that pull me away from Him, I put myself at risk for falling. And when I am distracted, I cannot see my destination, much less get there.

Walking in the darkness of sin is when I am really out of balance. Jesus says that He is the Light of the world, and those who follow Him do not walk in darkness. How true! The more closely I follow Him, the more light - goodness, peace, joy, love, generosity, etc. - there is in my life. 

And so I look to Jesus and I follow Him, one step in front of the other. I walk in His light. When I am distracted and begin to lose my balance, my brothers and sisters of my faith community are there to give me support, His support that I need. If I fall over, they are there to help pick me up and to help me heal.

Just as I am improving in physical balance, hopefully I am developing spiritual balance. I want to stand firmly and to walk forward - not with hesitation, but with confidence. I want not only to walk, but to run to my destination. Jesus is the destination, and He is the Way to get there.

Jesus, keep my focus on You. Keep my steps steady. Keep me from falling. As I move ahead by following you, increase my faith and my confidence. Let your holy light shine upon me that I may walk not in darkness, but in your light of life. 

Our world is in need of your light. Especially when we experience darkness, confusion, and doubts, and when we have lost our way, may your bright light shine upon all of us.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12.

What a Difference a Day Makes!

This is the Easter season.

On Saturday I had prepared for the family to visit. Since we are not able to get together as often as we'd like, we sometimes celebrate holidays, birthdays, and good news all on the same day. So on Saturday I cleaned, I decorated, and I baked, even trying out some new recipes with great success.

Easter Sunday - what an amazing day! Our church was filled with so many people and the songs were uplifting and joyful. Afterwards the family arrived at our home for an early afternoon dinner. We had a fun time and, for a grandmother, there is nothing sweeter to treasure than hugs from the grandchildren.

Easter Monday turned out to be a sunny day. I looked out at the backyard to see green grass, a blue sky, and yellow daffodils beginning to bloom. This is Spring! I spent time gratefully working in the garden for the first time this season.

Today is Tuesday. I awoke and looked outdoors to see heavy, wet, sloppy snow covering everthing! Even the electricity went out, probably because of power lines downed by the snow. What a difference a day makes.

I noticed that even my mood has changed. From the joy of a day or two ago, it seems that concerns, problems, and worries want to creep into my thinking. What a difference a day makes.

How appropriate that I read this morning, "Why are you downcast, my soul? Why groan within me? Hope in God. I will again praise Him, my Savior and my God." Psalm 42:11.

My mood may change and my circumstances are always changing, but our God is unchanging. He is forever kind, loving, and merciful. And He has chosen to be a Savior for me. Times of discouragement, worry, pain, and even my inadequacies and sinfulness - all remind me that I do need a Savior. Our God is a Savior who is always available.

And so I come into the presence of Jesus who has experienced the depths of despair and pain and brutal death on a cross. His lifeless body was carried into a tomb for burial. His executioners and even his friends thought that it was the end. Their hopes were dashed. Those who had been closest to Him were confused and so very sad. However, it was not the end. It was a new beginning, for on that first Easter Jesus rose to a brand new life, conquering every evil, even death itself. He offers this life to me, to every person who ever lives.

Once again I turn away from and I renounce my sins, I release my worries and concerns to Him, and I gratefully receive the grace of the new and transforming life He shares with me. This lets me embrace the present moment with hope and look to the future with confidence. This is my joy, that He truly is my Savior. 

From Holy Saturday and death in the tomb to Easter Sunday and the experience of new and glorious life. What a difference a day makes!


A Time for Waiting

 I had another Doctor's appointment. I made sure I'd be there on time. Not long after I arrived, I was called in to a small room to wait for the Doctor. And I waited...

And I waited..., and I waited and waited. Where was he? No doubt he was with a patient who was in more need of attention than me. I looked at the clock. Fifteen minutes have gone by..., twenty minutes, twenty-one minutes, one half hour... And I am waiting.

Much of life is taken up with waiting.

We wait for pain to end.
We wait for test results.
We wait in lines at the grocery store.
We wait for green lights.
We wait for food to be served.
We wait in darkness for sleep to come.
We wait for the cake to bake.
We wait for answers to prayer.
We wait for the Doctor to come.
We wait...

As I was sitting in that small exam room, impatience and anxiety was building within me. I tried focusing on my surroundings and listening for the sounds outside the closed door. Mostly I was listening for the footsteps of the Doctor.

Finally he came in to see me and he came with his apologies. Yes, there were two very sick people ahead of me, one who needed to be admitted to the hospital.

What about all that waiting time? Each and every moment is precious to the Lord. Our waiting may be His way of asking us to slow down, to "hit the pause button." To become aware of His Presence. 

I did take time to pray while I waited, even in my anxiety. I know that the Lord was with me as I waited. Jesus may well be the one who was waiting for me, waiting for me to give Him my attention. 

Waiting time is not wasted time. It's a time to reflect, to grow in patience, to pray. It's a time to listen for the Lord's "footsteps," coming to meet us. It's a time to become deeply aware that He is the One who meets all of our needs. He is the One so worth waiting for, waiting with. Come, Lord Jesus, come.

In the Boat with Jesus

I was reading an account in Mark 6 where Jesus said to his hardworking apostles, "Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while." (Verse 6) They all got into a boat and headed toward another shore.

What would it be like to be in a boat with Jesus? So I used my imagination, thinking of a sunny day, light breeze, and a clear, calm lake - a really relaxing place to be.

It would be so very quiet, with just the sound of water lapping up against the boat. I'd look up and see a flock of birds flying overhead. In the middle of the lake the boat would be gently rocking with the motion of the waves and freely drifting along. Sunlight would be brightly glistening off the water. I breathe in the fresh lake air and I feel very much at peace.

Then I look and - in my imagination - I see Jesus in the boat, and he is smiling. It's as if he is happy to be here, and happy to show off the beauty of his Father's creation. 

Then he takes up the oars and starts rowing toward shore. In no time, we are there. In my mind's eye, I see crowds of people, each moving in his or her own direction, not really looking at one another. One is carrying a lot of heavy packages, another is limping in pain, one has fallen. Another is looking around as if lost. All of them are just walking by one another. And I think of the words of Heidi Baker: "Stop for the one." 

I know what I am to do. 

There are people I encounter every day who are in pain or some suffering. Others have heavy burdens. Some are on the verge of giving up because life, for them, has become hard to bear. With mostly all people, I have no idea what they are going through. I cannot walk by. Although I cannot help everyone in need, I can "stop for the one."

The One has stopped for me. And this has made all the difference in my life. Others have supported me over the years when I have been in need. And I am grateful.

In Mark 6, the boat with Jesus does make it to the other shore. When they arrive, there are crowds of people who are there ahead of them. Jesus looked upon them and had compassion on them. They were people in need. He stopped for them, he taught them, and he gave them food to eat. That must have been a day they remembered for the rest of their lives.

And so I am reminded to come away and rest for a while, to be at peace, renewed, and energized. Then I shall be ready to "stop for the one."