
In the Boat with Jesus

I was reading an account in Mark 6 where Jesus said to his hardworking apostles, "Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while." (Verse 6) They all got into a boat and headed toward another shore.

What would it be like to be in a boat with Jesus? So I used my imagination, thinking of a sunny day, light breeze, and a clear, calm lake - a really relaxing place to be.

It would be so very quiet, with just the sound of water lapping up against the boat. I'd look up and see a flock of birds flying overhead. In the middle of the lake the boat would be gently rocking with the motion of the waves and freely drifting along. Sunlight would be brightly glistening off the water. I breathe in the fresh lake air and I feel very much at peace.

Then I look and - in my imagination - I see Jesus in the boat, and he is smiling. It's as if he is happy to be here, and happy to show off the beauty of his Father's creation. 

Then he takes up the oars and starts rowing toward shore. In no time, we are there. In my mind's eye, I see crowds of people, each moving in his or her own direction, not really looking at one another. One is carrying a lot of heavy packages, another is limping in pain, one has fallen. Another is looking around as if lost. All of them are just walking by one another. And I think of the words of Heidi Baker: "Stop for the one." 

I know what I am to do. 

There are people I encounter every day who are in pain or some suffering. Others have heavy burdens. Some are on the verge of giving up because life, for them, has become hard to bear. With mostly all people, I have no idea what they are going through. I cannot walk by. Although I cannot help everyone in need, I can "stop for the one."

The One has stopped for me. And this has made all the difference in my life. Others have supported me over the years when I have been in need. And I am grateful.

In Mark 6, the boat with Jesus does make it to the other shore. When they arrive, there are crowds of people who are there ahead of them. Jesus looked upon them and had compassion on them. They were people in need. He stopped for them, he taught them, and he gave them food to eat. That must have been a day they remembered for the rest of their lives.

And so I am reminded to come away and rest for a while, to be at peace, renewed, and energized. Then I shall be ready to "stop for the one."

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