I've had an aching back. It's slowing me up and I feel discouraged by this. I do know that God speaks to me in every circumstance. What is he saying to me in this situation?
I know that what I am suffering is so very little, hardly significant, as to what many others are suffering physically and emotionally. Experiencing even a little suffering can let me become truly more compassionate, especially with those around me who are in any kind of pain. I know by experience, even in a small way, what others are going through.
I am keenly aware of my own pain with most every move. And so I move slowly. I move carefully. I appreciate more than ever freedom of movement.
My faith tells me that I am part of the Body of Christ, in communion with other Christians. I am connected to others. "If one part of the body suffers, all the parts suffer with it..." I Corinthians 12:26.
Am I ever a source of pain to others? By my thoughtlessness? By judging others? By greed? By selfishness? By harsh words? By neglect? How do I inflict needless pain? Do I offend others?
And so I am aware - I need to become more aware - of how I relate to others. I need to become more aware so as not to cause pain. May my thoughts, words, and actions offer respect and healing love.
Out of compassion, what can I do today to relieve the suffering of others? What can I do to offer healing love?
Back pain does have the power to take over our lives! To answer your first set of questions, I say "no" to them all. I have never known you to cause pain to others. To address, the second set of questions, I think many times healing love just requires us to really listen. This works in two different ways. Sometimes people just need to be heard - really heard - and nothing else. Other times when we really listen, their words tell us what they need. Either way, listening with love is the first step.