

"Don't settle for good when amazing is available." Brian Orme.

Last night I watched a video of a woman who was describing what it was like for her when she and her husband were invited for dinner at the home of someone she very greatly admired. She was happy for the invitation. She and her husband would be the only guests.

When they arrived, she was amazed at how very beautiful the table was  - it was excellently set. (I imagined a lovely tablecloth, the best place settings, maybe even flowers and candles.) The woman said that her friend "set the atmosphere" in the home.

When they sat down to eat, it was not a simple meal, but six courses of food were served, and I believe she said they were prepared from family recipes.

As the woman was recounting this, tears came to her eyes. She was still so very moved by the hospitality that was offered to her and her husband. In a way, she felt unworthy to be served in such an extravagant way. They were truly made to feel like honored guests.

Today I read a short passage written by Ven. Thomas A Kempis. I stopped and re-read this sentence: "He who at table places the best portion before his brother rather than himself places before Jesus a feast and a honeycomb of charity."

I plead guilty to sometimes dividing up the dessert to be served and wanting to keep the largest portion for myself. (I mean, who would know?) Or serving a meal hastily put together just to get it to the table so everyone is satisfied, but not really "honored." I do need to take it up a notch when it comes to hospitality, even for those I live with. They deserve it.

Delicious meal of meat pie and mashed potatoes

"Don't settle for good when amazing is available." Brian Orme.


  1. I confess that the daily meals I prepare for the two of us are always good, but often fall short of amazing! I suspect, though, you are talking about more than food here!
    My thoughts turned to prayer - that time when we feast on what God has for us. He always has a banquet like the one this woman described in your post. All the best china and linens, sumptuous food, and divine conversation!
    This morning, with no place to be at any particular time, I consumed a marvelous feast! Thank you, Lord! Other days, I grab an english muffin and run out the door yelling, "Catch up with You, later." Food for much thought!

  2. Your comments remind me of the verse, "You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies." Psalm 23:5. I think of the enemies as being the circumstances, and even my own thought patterns, that try to bring me down. And, in the midst of all this, God prepares a banquet of goodness. God provides abundantly.

  3. We simply need to come to His table on the feet of Faith and trust - with love in our hearts.
