
A New Beginning

2022 - A new year and for me a time for new beginnings.

This morning I learned something about the Bible I had not noticed before. The very first book of the Bible - Genesis - begins, "In the beginning...God said..." (verses 1 - 3). AND the beginning of the Gospel of John in the New Testament reads, "In the beginning was the Word..." (verse 1). How cool is that? In fact, the whole Bible is pretty much saturated with beginnings and making all things new.

So I began to think, what am I beginning today? What will be new for me? What is it I will create? 

The Bible begins with an account of God creating by speaking. The New Testament portrays Jesus as being the Living Word of God. "For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, ...all things were created through him and for him." Colossians 2:16.

I don't think it is a stretch to say that, when I am creating, I can be participating in the creative work of God, and that's awesome. May what I do be a benefit for others, and give God the Creator recognition and glory. 

I expect that there will be new discoveries along the way. A creative life is an adventurous one!