
"Just in Time"

Sometimes I include a favorite hymn or a specifically Christian song in my posts. Not today. Today it's Tony Bennett.

During moring prayer, I was thinking about how Jesus is always with us - in the good times and in the not-so-good times. He is even with us in our daily chores.

Later in the day I got into the car to do some grocery shopping. I thought about Jesus being with me, even during routine shopping trips. As I started the car, a CD began playing. It was one that our daughter had given us of Tony Bennett. The song he was singing was "Just in Time." I couldn't help but relate some of the lyrics to a relationship with Jesus.

"You found me just in time... No more doubts and fears, I've found my way."

I found a youtube version of this song that was posted to share:

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it wonderful that God can speak to us in so many ways!
