

We have a little Beagle named Stella. When I call her, "Come," she takes her sweet time. Whe wanders this way and that way, searching for crumbs she might find on the floor, and being distracted by scents in the air that only she can smell.

When I say, "Treat," or if I rattle her treat jar, she looks up and sometimes runs to me.

Is it something like that when God calls to me? I am so easily distracted by what I see around me, looking for something else that would please me. However, when I am hoping for a special favor (a "treat") from him, or when I am praying for a special intention, I tend to focus more intensely on him.

I think the Lord would have us focus on him for the mighty, glorious, amazing God he is, and not as much on the favors gives. He longs for a personal relationship with each of us. All of our desires truly are completely fulfilled in and with him.

"Come, Stella, let's go for a walk," and Stella comes running to me.
"Come, my beloved. Come to Me and let us walk together
 to places you have never been,"
and may I come running to Him.

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing! This is true, whether we want to admit it or not! When God is telling me what I am hoping to hear I am all on board with complete faith and trust in His wisdom! When He challenges me, asks me to step out of my comfort zone, I ponder a bit. Is this really what He wants me to do? Should I really get involved? I'm sure someone else can and will take care of this much better than I can!
    Hopeful, like Stella, I get there!
