
A New Year, New Resolutions

It is the beginning of a new year and a time when many of us are making "resolutions" to improve our lives, to become better people...

One of the gifts our daughter gave me for Christmas is a Bible study book. Toward the beginning of the book, one of the questions is about reflecting on the purpose of one's life. What is it that gives my life meaning? What is God's plan for me in my current circumstances? When I know my purpose, I can then make resolutions that will direct me in fulfilling that purpose.

What about the people who are closest to me? My family? My friends? Or even the people I encounter during the activities of my day? They, too, have a divine purpose. How about making resolutions to encourage and support others to accomplish their purpose in life?

How can I support my husband in fulfilling his responsibilities? How can I encourage our daughters to become the women they are called to be? What are simple actions I can take that can make life easier for others?

This year may my resolutions be not so much about improving myself and my own life, but about what I can practically do this year do to be more helpful to others.

                                        Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash

  “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

1 comment:

  1. What a great resolution! So often we think about resolutions as changing our behavior for ourselves - losing weight, exercising more, eating better and other things like that. Being supportive of others takes the focus off ourselves.
    One year after the kids had left the nest, I decided to write one thank you letter each week during Lent to someone who had made a difference in my life. I remember writing to my kid's pediatrician. I thanked him for all the support he gave me from the first visit - which was a few weeks before our first child was born - to the last when our youngest received her final immunizations before leaving for college - that was a span of 26 years. I also filled him in on where all three kids were and what they were doing. He wrote back to me to let me know how pleased he was to get my letter! He said it brightened his day as he always wondered how all the kids he cared for were doing as adults. Little acts can become big blessings!
