
"You Lift Us Up"

When our daughter was in grade school, she played on a softball team. Parents, family, and friends would come to watch the games. I'll never forget the time she was hit in the head by a fly ball. I not only saw it happen, but I could hear the "thud" as it hit her. The game stopped. I ran out into the field. The coach drove us to the doctor's office for her to be checked out. Thank God, no serious harm done.

Why did that happen? Was she momentarily distracted and not see the ball coming? Did she not have her glove ready to catch the ball? 

Photo by Yaw Afari on Unsplash

I thought of that incident this morning when I read a commentary on the Biblical phrase: "He lifts up the lowly." The image of "lifting up" is that of a father scooping up his child into his arms and holding the child close and comforting the child. I thought of children playing freely, not always aware of dangers that may be around them. I thought about children who fall as they run and play, whose smiles turn into tears.

We the children of God the Father are the little ones, the lowly ones. We are sometimes hurt by circumstances in our lives, not always seeing troubles coming our way. Our Father is there to lift us up, to take us into his strong arms and hold us close. No matter what the dangers are that surround us, we can always trust him to be there. He is with us always.


  1. Another great reminder for when we need comfort to turn to God.

  2. Thank you, Rainy. Thanks to the Holy Spirit who inspires and teaches.

  3. As parents, we have all had an experience like this, when a child has an accident of one sort or another, and we rush to the doctor. With my trio, I joked at one point that I had been given my own dedicated parking spot at the ER - surprisingly it was mainly for one of my daughters, not my son!
    Reading this, I recalled Matthew 7:11 "If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him." Amen!
