
"Who I Am"

My friends' daughter wrote a children's book. I bought a copy soon after I saw it was available.

After reading it, I gave it to my daughter to read. I asked her what she thought the message is. She replied, "that everyone has gifts, but other people may not be ready to see or accept your gifts, but the one who always sees your gifts is God. And even though other people do not want to receive your gifts, you shouldn't give up, but keep trying..."

Well, I thought that was a good response.

This is a wonderful book for children and even for adults, for parents and grandparents to read with their children. 

(Don't tell my grandson, but this will be his birthday gift.)

Heavenly Father, thank you that each of is unique and that each of us is wonderfully made. Thank you for all the gifts you bless us with to share with others. Please grant us opportunities to share our gifts
and to gratefully receive what others share with us,
with all honor, glory, and thanksgiving to you,
the Giver of all good gifts.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works..." Psalm 139:14.

1 comment:

  1. Shirley, What a great book to give to children, or as you said, to adults, too because we often need reminders on the importance of acceptance and to keep in mind that we are given our gifts by God.
