
How to Persevere

I use a motivational running calendar. Yesterday in it I read about a man competing in an ironman triathalon. Less than 100 yards into the event, he felt a cramp in his leg. It painfully worsened as he was bicycling and then running. What kept him going? It was gratitude.

He focused on the fact that he was actually physically able to compete in a sport he loved. He appreciated the gentle warmth of the September day. He really enjoyed being with athletes and he felt the support of family and friends cheering him on. As intense as the pain was, he realized that "it's never all bad."

It is never all bad. Even in the most difficult of situations, we can find something good. We can look for something for which to be grateful. This may be cliche, but it's about an attitude of gratitude. And that may be just what is needed to keep going in difficult situations. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, for those who have been called according
 to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Resolved: To find the good in the most difficult situations.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Shirley, as always, you've spoken the truth! Focusing on all that is good in the midst of trouble gives us such courage. If we spend our energy being thankful, then the peace that comes gives us comfort and strength to cope. When I am pain, physical or emotional, I think of Jesus and ask myself how it compares to what He suffered for me. You know the answer!
    God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Thank You for always giving us the Graces to cope with all that life sends.
