
Lord, That I May See

When I was in third grade, I had trouble seeing the blackboard from where I was sitting. At home I would get as up close to the TV as possible to see the programs. My Mom made an appointment for me to see the optometrist.

The optometrist put lenses in front of my eyes and asked, "Is this one better? Or the other one?" "Does this make it more clear?" - and he would continue doing this until the best possible lens would be chosen for my vision. When I put on my new glasses, I was astounded how sharp and clear everything looked!

In a way, I feel like my life has been somewhat "out of focus." With new and different responsibilities, what I see as the reality of my daily life has changed. When I try to look at life with my prior expectations and plans, I am discerning that this vision, with many of my comfortable routines, is not quite right. God's plan for me evolves as my circumstances change.

His plan is like the lens through which I can see the way before me. When I cling to my old way of seeing, my vision is  "blurry." The Lord wants to sharpen my vision, for me to see my situation as it really is here and now. It is when I accept his plan for my life in the present time that my thinking readjusts and my responses can once again realign according to his divine plan. And I am astounded at the magnificence and beauty all around me, even in the mundane details.


"Lord, that I may see." cf. Luke 18:41


  1. Another beautiful hymn, Shirley! Thank you for sharing it. I believe the key word in your post is "accept." When we stop fighting against the changes and struggles that come our way, the better able we are to hear God's Word and cooperate with His plan for us.
    Jeremiah 29:11 states, "For surely, I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope."
    A friend of mine sent me a book recently. The premise was that if we prayed a certain prayer, accepting of whatever difficulty we were experiencing, the Lord would instantaneously resolve the issue to our liking. The author cited many examples of miraculous healings and blessings that occurred after reciting the prayer. There certainly are times when this happens. My experience, however, has been most often, like yours. I find that when I "let go and let God" take charge, I am granted the peace I need to cope with my emotions, the strength I need to handle what is before me, and the faith I need to trust that all will be well. I'm glad that you are experiencing this too!
    Psalm 145:8 says, "The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love."
    Let us give Him Thanks and Praise!

  2. Shirley, I especially love this post
    You are wonderful at showing us something that is a common occurrence in our lives, like an eye exam so that we can clearly understand God's message.
