
"My Life is in Your Hands"

Every once in a while, life "throws us a curveball" that breaks into our daily routine and changes our circumstances. It may be an accident, an illness, an unexpected conflict, a loss...

This happened to me recently when a loved one needed to be hospitalized. Medical decisions needed to be made to provide the best care. There was uncertainty regarding response to treatment. My own daily life became centered on hospital visits and how to become supportive of someone in a strange environment and somewhat scared about the future. I am questioning how I can be most supportive of someone who is now limited in caring for self and who is feeling loss of personal independence.

In prayer I sensed the Lord saying, "Keep going one step in front of the other. Look for my Holy Spirit of Love to guide you along the way."

While driving home from another visit, I thought of this hymn:

"My life is in your hands."


  1. This is a beautiful hymn, Shirley! I'm glad it brings you peace! Please know that you and your family are always in our prayers.

  2. I love that song. Music has a way of reaching into our being, into our souls. It reaches down to our lows and climbs up to our highs.

  3. I love this song. Music has a way of reaching down to our lows and climbing up to our highs.

  4. Sorry for the double entry. I didn't read the part about it taking a few minutes before being published.

  5. Rainy, your comment is worthy of being read several times. :-)
