
"To Forgive is Divine"

Mother Angelica once said, "It's hard to pray for someone when you hope they'll slip on a banana peel." I thought of this quote today in church during the homily on forgiveness.

Forgiveness is likewise a theme of Jubilee Year 2025.

"I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." Matthew 5:44
And so I consider:
Who is my enemy?
Is there anyone in my life towards whom I feel resentment?
Has anyone who caused me harm for which I am still hurting?
Has anyone been hostile or angry toward me?
Has anyone cursed me?
Have I been mistreated or abused? 
These are questions to bring to prayer. Some people or situations may quickly come to mind. Others may be deeply hidden in memories.

Forgiveness may often be first a decision of the mind and will, and then of the heart. Perhaps begin by simply saying aloud:
"I forgive _________ for __________."
"Lord, help me to forgive _________."

"Lord, I release _________ into your loving, merciful care."
"Holy Spirit, how do you want me to pray for __________?"
"Lord, is there any way You want me to extend kindness toward _________?
We may need to forgive over and over again. Each time, forgiveness can become a deeper and ever more freeing experience so we no longer have to carry the burdens of resentment and bitterness toward others. 

I've told my kids, "When someone is mean to you, that's an opportunity to forgive." Much easier said than done. With God's grace, however, it is possible.
"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32


  1. This is a hard one because there is a certain politician I am having a hard time forgiving and yes, I not only n wanted him to slip on a banana, I found myself praying he would slip. (I did rescind it right away.)

  2. Lol. I had to laugh at that one. Sometimes we might have to pray through gritted teeth, and prayer for someone is solely a matter of the will. Sometimes I pray, "May _________ and all of us come to the knowledge of truth and be saved." Or just asking the Holy Spirit, "How do you want me to pray for this person?"
