
Autumn Gold

A favorite place at home where I like to pray is by an upstairs window with a view of the backyard. I can see a huge willow, a few pines, and a large maple tree which my husband and I planted years ago. Each morning I enjoy sitting by this window as I observe the change of seasons.

The other day I noticed that the maple leaves had turned from green to an autumn gold. The sun was shining and the golden leaves were magnificently bright. I admired the tree in all its beauty. 

I reflected on the "golden years" of life. I hope that as I age, I can shine forth brightly in the Light of Jesus the Son.

Today I'm looking at that same tree. The leaves are now gracefully and steadily falling to the ground. I clearly see the tree's branches. It's as if the limbs and branches are reaching upwards toward the sky.

I hope that like the tree, I can gracefully let go - let go of my possessions (as I downsize), and even of my youthful abilities as I age. I pray that my arms, that my whole being, be lifted up to give glory to God.

Photo by Dylan Phair on Unsplash

Autumn is here. Winter is on its way. And then comes a new Spring!

To God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be the glory
 and praise forever.


  1. Beautiful, Shirley, simply beautiful!
    May God bless us with many more seasons, to give Him Praise and Glory, in whatever circumstances the future holds for us! Amen!
