
Faith and Football

For years I've enjoyed watching NFL football, especially the Packers. This season I've been doing so with even more attention. When I learned that Derek Carr, the star quarterback of the Raiders, is also an evangelist, and that there are videos of him sharing about his faith, I definitely wanted to hear what he had to say. I watched one of him being interviewed a few days ago by Pedro Adao.

Even though Derek has a passion for football, and he has attained the fame and wealth of being an outstanding quarterback, he says, "In my heart I am an evangelist."

He spoke about a time he was in a Chipotle restaurant and a young woman came up to him asking for a picture. His immediate thought was to tell the woman, "Jesus loves you." He said that he didn't want to do it, that he would feel super awkward saying this. More than that, however, he knew that he wanted to be obedient to that inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He simply said, "Jesus loves you," and the woman was touched by his words. Tears began to flow and, Derek said, she accepted Christ.

In the video Derek also said that one of the very first things he does when he wakes up each morning is to reach for his Bible. He asks, "Lord, what do you have for me today?" "Where do you want me to go?" "Show me the conversations you want me to have." He looks to the word of God for wisdom to give him direction and strategies.

As a quarterback he is leader of his team the Raiders. The wisdom he gains by his daily reading of the Scriptures is applicable in the locker room and on the field. He says that, with so much on the line, and with aggresive competition, anger easily builds up among the players. One of his gifts is that he can bring a sense of calm to heated situations.

I will keep my eye on Derek Carr and his career. Now I will watch his games, keeping in mind that how he plays and how he conducts himself, is from his strong foundation of his relationship with Jesus.


I am very inspired by his humility and his faith. 

Where's the Kale?

I haven't posted for a few days, not sure what I wanted to share.

It's frigid-cold outside. I'm inside, looking out from my window. The yard is covered with snow. The trees are bare. It looks bleak. The wind is blowing, making it seem colder than the actual temperature. Nothing much is happening, except...

there are animal tracks in the snow in all directions. I see exactly where the rabbits and squirrels were scampering. There's been a lot of action under the bird feeder. Just now, one large bird flew overhead; I didn't see the bird, but I saw its shadow flying across the snow.

If there are favorite moments of a winter day, they are usually at night when I take our dog out, and the darkness is brightened by the whiteness of the snow, the air is sharply brisk, and there is a hush over everything that is not as evident in other seasons. Those are quiet precious moments.

I've slowed up a lot during the past month. I've been spending many more days at home because of Covid precautions, because of the cold, because of a painful ankle. It seems like not much has been happening. I know otherwise.

Some thoughts I become aware of only in stillness. Some things I see only by the loving imprints left on my heart. I hear the whisperings of the wind when all other sounds are silent. I know the bird is there because I see its shadow.

Winter may often seem long, bleak, and dreary, however the season is very much bright and alive when I pause to notice. The signs are there. This gives me hope, and hope motivates me.

So now I'm looking out toward the garden. Where's the kale?? The rabbits got to it. I see their tracks in the snow where I had planted kale last spring. What I did not harvest in the fall, I just left there where it froze. The rabbits have had a feast on what I planted many months ago. I wish I could've seen them. Even though I didn't see them, I do know they were there.

snow covered garden with one stalk of kale

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13

Pressing On

I'm a Packers fan. This season's playoff loss was stunning and devastating. Devastating for fans, devastating for the team. Devastating because this really seemed to be the year for the Superbowl.

How to deal with defeat? Fall back? Or rise from it?

I began considering when in my life I experienced personal defeat. Well, actually - it's now.

It was after a cancer diagnosis, chemo, and oncology rehab that I began running. Never did I honestly think that as an adult I could ever run a mile, much less a 5K. But I did it. And I was surprised how much I enjoy running.

I used to think that running was for other more athletic people. I never even considered it because of a ski accident long ago causing a broken ankle. The foot has had limited flexibility since then. So I was amazed when I began running short distances. I didn't know I could do it until I tried. And I learned we can do so much more than we think we can.

The past few days the ankle has been painful, even when walking around the house. No doubt it is arthritis that set in. It's been painful before, but I've always recovered. This feels different. This feels defeating.

Today I watched Green Bay Packer Running Back AJ Dillon give an interview after last night's loss. He described it as "heart-breaking." As to how he picks himself up from this defeat, he says, "always look to how to get better." He is not dwelling in defeat. As to a future Superbowl, he says, "I'm going to do everything in my power to get that done, however we got to do it, whatever it takes...I don't know how we're going to get there - it's going to happen."

AJ Dillon has unshakeable confidence. Experiencing defeat is not going to deter him from his goal.

So I am not giving up on running. I will continue to do whatever it takes. Ice, heat, massage, gentle exercises. "Always look to how to get better." This is the hopeful response.

One of my fav Scripture verses: ...forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3: 13-14.

Pressing on. Forward and upward. Rising from defeat.

a smiling runner wearing number bib, standing by the lake

It's going to happen.


"Don't settle for good when amazing is available." Brian Orme.

Last night I watched a video of a woman who was describing what it was like for her when she and her husband were invited for dinner at the home of someone she very greatly admired. She was happy for the invitation. She and her husband would be the only guests.

When they arrived, she was amazed at how very beautiful the table was  - it was excellently set. (I imagined a lovely tablecloth, the best place settings, maybe even flowers and candles.) The woman said that her friend "set the atmosphere" in the home.

When they sat down to eat, it was not a simple meal, but six courses of food were served, and I believe she said they were prepared from family recipes.

As the woman was recounting this, tears came to her eyes. She was still so very moved by the hospitality that was offered to her and her husband. In a way, she felt unworthy to be served in such an extravagant way. They were truly made to feel like honored guests.

Today I read a short passage written by Ven. Thomas A Kempis. I stopped and re-read this sentence: "He who at table places the best portion before his brother rather than himself places before Jesus a feast and a honeycomb of charity."

I plead guilty to sometimes dividing up the dessert to be served and wanting to keep the largest portion for myself. (I mean, who would know?) Or serving a meal hastily put together just to get it to the table so everyone is satisfied, but not really "honored." I do need to take it up a notch when it comes to hospitality, even for those I live with. They deserve it.

Delicious meal of meat pie and mashed potatoes

"Don't settle for good when amazing is available." Brian Orme.

Value Values

What do we value in life? Where do we tend to invest our time and our energy? Is it by default - whatever we fall back on? Or is it by deliberate choice?

I recently heard a man say that he wrote down everything he could imagine of what was important to him. He came up with a list of about 100 items. Then he circled the 60 that he valued more than the others. From there he crossed out those of lesser importance so he had a list of 30. He continued from there until he finally decided on the three very most important values in his life. That's where he was going to invest his talents, skills, and resources. He would value his values.

I came up with a list of 4. I've written them down and I've been looking at them each morning. It helps me focus on what I truly value. I want to make decisions and direct my activities in ways that invest in what is most important to me. This will often call me to "sacrifice the less for the more." "The more" is what I truly treasure.

For where your treasure is, your heart will be there also. Matthew 6:21.

Close-up of the center of a flower with a bee in the middle of it

The Living Word of God

When I was in high school, I had a Latin teacher that I truly admired. She was very intelligent and she had a twinkle in her eye, like she was always seeing humor, even in serious situations. On a special occasion she gave me a card. Because it was handwritten, I felt it was a message just for me. It said that she hoped I would read Psalm 119, like a hundred times.

I remember looking at Psalm 119 and feeling disappointed. It wasn't especially inspiring. It was all about the law. I was young and at that time, I was all about freedom.

Today I was looking for a particular verse in the Bible and I turned to Psalm 119. As I began reading, the meaning began exploding to me. I think I could take separate verses and read them over and over, maybe a hundred times, and be inspired by them. What a difference for me today from then.

I've been thinking about the many ways God continually speaks to us. It's what he does. Whether we acknowlege it or not, his presence is everywhere, and he speaks through his presence. When we honor his presence, we are in a position to receive his word to us. And " word that goes forth from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will ...achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11. His word contains the power to bring what he speaks to fruition. It could be immediately, in days, weeks, or even years.

When I make a wise decision or do a good deed that accomplishes much, it may well be the fruit of God's word that I received even years ago. Like Psalm 119 that my teacher shared with me - I finally have some understanding so very many years later.

A friend of mine had a huge plant that I admired. She gave me a few cuttings. I was to put them into soil, water them and watch them grow. She said it would take about six months. Time went on and on and I saw nothing happening. She said, "Be patient." It was nearly a year later that I saw some new green growth emerge at the base of one cutting, and new growth appearing at the top of another. Finally! 

A few years later, I now have new plants (one I gave away), and - yes - I am still waiting for new growth from two other cuttings. My friend said, "It might not look like it, but there is a lot happening under the soil." 

This is a lesson for me about God's word planted within us. We need expectant hope. In God's perfect timing, even when it seems to be a long time coming, his word to us will bear fruit.


My husband called me to watch a news story on TV. It was about a handsome black dog named Russ. The owner had been hiking on the trails in California with Russ when something "spooked" the dog and he took off. Russ was nowhere to be found.

Months passed. There were extensive wildfires where the dog had been. The owner gave up hope of ever seeing Russ again. Then the winter snows came.

Apparently someone was snowshoeing and spotted something black in the snow. Looking closer, two bright eyes could be seen. It was a dog curled up in the hollow of a tree! Animal rescuers were called in to save the dog. The dog was microchipped, so the owner, a few hundred miles away, was notified. Russ survived the wildfires, he survived the cold snow, and he was reunited with his owner.

What a wonderful story of hope. Even when hope is abandoned in a dire situation, there is still the possibility of good news! The owner had given up hope, but the dog Russ demonstrated hope. He survived against all odds.

"...hope that sees for itself is not hope. For who hopes for what one sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait with endurance." Romans 8: 24-25.  

Pray it Forward

I received a message from a friend who was really worried. Her husband had been treated for cancer and now they were waiting for biopsy results to see whether cancer had returned.

That message tugged on my heart. I knew I had to pray. I would pray that the biopsy be benign and that any cancer "be gone!"

I do feel drawn to reach out to people diagnosed with cancer. I've had the experience of being diagnosed with two different kinds of cancer, going through surgical procedures, chemo, radiation, and followed by two years of immunotherapy. More significant than all of that, I truly experienced support of so many people, many I didn't even know. I made strong connections and friendships. Most powerful was prayer support. Today I am no longer being treated; the doctor says, "Clear evidence of remission." I am so very grateful.

That may be why I feel so strongly to reach out to share what I received. I let my friend know that I was praying, and I contacted another who put the word out to several prayer groups to pray for "Jim." And so I was thrilled to hear that the awaited biopsy results were negative. Good news!

I like to think that whenever we are blessed in an area of life, that blessing can be extended to others in similar circumstances. For me, I was blessed with prayer support. Now I have opportunities to "pray it forward."

Praise be to God "who encourages us in all our troubles so that we can encourage those in any trouble with the encouragement we ourselves have received from God." cf. 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4.

seven bleeding heart flowers on a stem. Pray it forward.

Pray it forward.

Don't Miss the Waterfall

My husband and I were driving along an unfamiliar rural road. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I had seen a waterfall - not where I would've even expected to see one. "Wait- let's go back. I think I saw a waterfall!" 

We turned around and drove back in the direction from which we had come. "There! That's where I saw it." 

There was a small area where we could park alongside the road. We got out of the car and I opened my phone camera. We walked up as close as we could to see the rushing waters flowing down the rocks. It was beautiful. We paused for a few minutes to enjoy what we were seeing, then we got back into our car and continued on.

In the busyness of our days, we often rush ahead and miss the beauty of the scenery around us. The beauty is there if we just pause and look for it.

My resolution today is to stop, take a beauty-break, and look around me. What do I see? Where is the beauty in this moment? I don't want to pass it by. I want to stop, to enjoy, and say "Thanks, God."

waterfall gushing between the rocks and pooling at the bottom

A New Beginning

2022 - A new year and for me a time for new beginnings.

This morning I learned something about the Bible I had not noticed before. The very first book of the Bible - Genesis - begins, "In the beginning...God said..." (verses 1 - 3). AND the beginning of the Gospel of John in the New Testament reads, "In the beginning was the Word..." (verse 1). How cool is that? In fact, the whole Bible is pretty much saturated with beginnings and making all things new.

So I began to think, what am I beginning today? What will be new for me? What is it I will create? 

The Bible begins with an account of God creating by speaking. The New Testament portrays Jesus as being the Living Word of God. "For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, ...all things were created through him and for him." Colossians 2:16.

I don't think it is a stretch to say that, when I am creating, I can be participating in the creative work of God, and that's awesome. May what I do be a benefit for others, and give God the Creator recognition and glory. 

I expect that there will be new discoveries along the way. A creative life is an adventurous one! 

Here I Begin

Snow covered road with tall branching trees and snowbanks along the way.

A new year, and I am inspired to begin a new blog. I've decided not just to think about it, but to do it. My 2022 resolution.

On Twitter yesterday I read someone's question: Is there any life beyond death? I was astonished (I really shouldn't have been) that the overwhelming responses were that our earthly time is all we have - nothing more. Or, if there is more, we return to "energy." Other people posted something like, we live on in the works we have accomplished. Very few mentioned the fact of life eternal.

How could I respond to that question? Simply that if anyone wants to know if there is an eternal life beyond death, the place to begin is knowing Jesus. If anyone would doubt that, just give Him a chance. Start exactly where you are -  in any circumstances of doubt or unbelief. Jesus says He is the Way, and the journey begins with the first step. And for those who know Jesus, there is always more to learn.

"Now this is eternal life, that they should know you the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." John 17:3.

"He who believes in me will live, even though he dies..." John 11:26.