Again this morning I asked the Lord, "What do you want me to discover today?" And I immediately pictured a rock. The words came to my mind, "My love is hidden under the rocks of your life."
Rocks are hard and of different sizes. I can stumble over them, complain about them, or remove them. The smaller rocks I can remove on my own; with the big rocks, I may need help.
Editted free image by Joeri Römer on Unsplash
If a farmer owns a large rocky field, he could plant crops between the rocks, but crops would not thrive. Those rocks have got to go!The rocks in my life are anything that hides God's ever present love. His love is hidden by hurtful actions and harmful attitudes. I am stumbling over them all the time. When I am ill and am tempted to doubt God's love..., when someone needs to talk and I am reluctant to give up my time..., when I feel blamed and respond with angry words..., when I am faced with challenging tasks and I let discouragement take hold..., etc., etc. All these rocky occasions prevent me from seeing God's love.
The Scripture reading that was especially meaningful to me this morning was, "her deserts He shall make like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord." Isaiah 51:3. What a hope-filled verse!
And so I imagine my life becoming a beautiful garden filled with prayer and good works and the amazing love of God. Just as the farmer has to remove those rocks to have a productive field, I need to remove whatever is hiding God's love. May the wastelands of my life become "like the garden of the Lord."
All glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.