
It's Almost Spring

On my walk the other day, I stopped by a nearby brook. It was flowing powerfully after the snow melt.

Today I thought about that brook as I read, "Grace is flowing in my direction, and I yield myself to its powerful current that's taking me places beyond my wildest imaginations." Brian Orme

Today "grace is flowing in my direction."
Grace is God's love coming after me.
His love is coming after me in whatever circumstances I find myself.
His love is coming after each and every detail of my life.
He never gives up seeking me - longing for a real personal
relationship with me.
He doesn't want us just to be acquaintances, but the closest of friends, of family.

I have called you friendsbecause I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father. John 15:15.
God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9.

Today I take the time to be still before Him and let His love
flow in my direction. As in a strong current, I'll let myself be swept off my feet and be carried along in His grace "taking me to places beyond my wildest imaginations."

It's almost Spring.
Come, Holy Spirit of God's love, come!


  1. His Grace is always there for us; all we need to do is recognize it, acknowledge it, and accept it. To do that, as you say, we must be still, open, and present so His love can flow into us. Thank you for this image.

  2. Yes! Just this morning I read again, "I give away all his love flowing toward me and through me." This takes an openness to the Holy Spirit of Love and an openness to those around us. Reminds me of the song about "His peace is flowing like a river" and sometimes sung, "His love is flowing like a river, flowing out from you and me, flowing out into the desert, setting all the captives free." And the Scripture verse, "Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8. This is what we are encouraged and empowered to do.
