
Cool Running

I'll admit it - I've been a "couch potato" for the last few months. Blame Covid, blame the cold weather. I haven't been to the gym. I haven't been running outside. And I've been feeling sluggish.

Yesterday was a brilliantly sunny day. The temperature was 38 degrees. (That's above freezing, right?) So I dug into my closet to find my sneakers and layers of clothing I could wear. (I wanted to be warm, but still look the part of "a runner.")

I started with a brisk walk from our house and headed toward the rec path. I decided no goals. No time, no distance, no pace, no intervals. I'd be out here just to have fun. I brought my phone camera with me.

partially cleared path with snowbanks on both sides

Once I started jogging, it was even better than I had expected. Sure, I'm out of shape, but I was doing it. Honestly, it was exhilarating. I recalled the many times I've been out here in warmer weather - yes, even in hot weather. This felt refreshing, although challenging. I watched my step so as not to slip on ice. Even though above freezing, the air was bracing.

I stopped to take photos. I loved seeing the blue tones of the shadows on the whiteness of the snow. I loved seeing the paw prints of dogs and of other animals I could not identify. I loved looking up and seeing the patterns of the white clouds in the blue sky. I truly loved being in a familiar place that did not look as familiar. And I loved greeting people I passed along the way.

animal prints in the snow leading to a tree

I don't think I will ever become a cold weather runner, but when the day invites me, I will do it again. I'll not put off the opportunity. Covid and cold weather shall no longer be my excuses.  

field with snow, trees in the distance, path to the right

Frost and chill, bless the Lord; 
praise and exalt him above all forever.
Daniel 3:69 (New American Bible)


  1. Beautiful! This put a smile on my face! Thank you for the pictures! Praise and thanks be to God for the beauty of creation in all seasons!
