
"Just in Time"

Sometimes I include a favorite hymn or a specifically Christian song in my posts. Not today. Today it's Tony Bennett.

During moring prayer, I was thinking about how Jesus is always with us - in the good times and in the not-so-good times. He is even with us in our daily chores.

Later in the day I got into the car to do some grocery shopping. I thought about Jesus being with me, even during routine shopping trips. As I started the car, a CD began playing. It was one that our daughter had given us of Tony Bennett. The song he was singing was "Just in Time." I couldn't help but relate some of the lyrics to a relationship with Jesus.

"You found me just in time... No more doubts and fears, I've found my way."

I found a youtube version of this song that was posted to share:

"Word Blitz"

I have a passion for "Word Blitz." I play this game on my phone. I really enjoy finding as many words as quickly as I can in the grid of letters in front of me. As an English major in college, I've always liked words and their nuanced meanings.

I began to think of Jesus as The Word - the Living Word. I find Jesus before me. When I take the time to look carefully, to focus on life's events, I begin to see Him. I see Redeemer. I see Savior. Son of the Father. Brother. Friend. Mercy. Life. Truth. The Way. Son of Mary. Son of the Father. Divine Presence...

Thank you, Jesus, for being with us always, and for revealing to us the overwhelming Love of the Father for each of us. You have promised to never leave us. May we see You with us in all of life's events. May we know the comfort and the challenge of your Divine Presence. Praise to You, to our Father, and to the Holy Spirit of Love.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1.