There was a story I heard once about a saint who was dying and who was criticized by someone close to her for briefly complaining about her suffering. Her response was, "Thank God, I still need my Savior."
I don't know how true that story is, but when I think of it, it gives me hope. I am always in need of my Savior.
I am continuing to read Casey Cole's book on the Beatitudes. Yesterday I was reflecting on the chapter "Blessed are the Meek," and considering situations that lead me to losing my control. When do people get a rise out of me? When do I tend to lose my temper?... And I resolved to be patient, kind, and keep my composure.
That same day I experienced someone criticizing me. I felt so misunderstood. My immediate response was to to raise my voice in anger to defend myself. Words were no sooner out of my mouth when I just knew that this was NOT the right response. I was far from being meek.
Why did I respond in that way? As I think about it, what the person said had some truth to it. Pride kept me from accepting it. I could've said, "You know, you are right about that. I could've done it differently." Words spoken in anger cannot be taken back. Sometimes it's hard to say, "I'm sorry," because it is hard to admit to being wrong.
I still need my Savior.