I was "flipping through the channels" looking for something to watch on TV. I stopped at CatholicTV. A priest and a layman were talking about the grace of God being active in our lives.
During the presentation, the layman said that he likes hearing the readings at Sunday Mass as if for the first time. He listens for a phrase or a sentence or two, or even just a word - that makes an impression on him. This is how the Lord is communicating with him. He recalls the word of God during prayer time and during the week. This is a way to experience the Liturgy of the Word and to live it out each day. A very simple thing to do.
So Sunday I listened for a word of God in the readings that touched my heart. I thought about what it meant for me personally. I thought about how I would respond to that word in my daily life. I wrote it down - just a few phrases of Scripture, and I will be referring to it each day until next Sunday (and maybe even longer).
Thank you, Jesus, that you are the Living Word from the Father who has come to be with us in our every situation, in our every circumstance. Keep us faithful to you, that we may hear you and respond to you, and to the people you bring into our lives, with love.
All praise and honor and glory to you forever.